April 19, 2024

Verba ex Machina

words from the machine

Grandma’s Amazing Lasagna Recipe

4 min read
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Background Close Up of Frilled Edges of Dry Lasagna Noodles - Arranged in Diagonal Pattern Across Frame

My grandmother’s recipe for lasagna is as amazing as her recipe for lasagna. So great. It is so much easier when you make lasagna from scratch.

In all, I’ve made this lasagna for the last week. I’ve made the lasagna with a batch of the lasagnes, followed by lasagna for lunch. This is my lasagna for dinner, followed by lasagna for weekend lunches!

I love making lasagna the way it is because the only thing I have to worry about is that my kids will eat it in the microwave (I hate microwave meals – I don’t like them!). It’s easy to put together and can be prepared in about 15 to 20 minutes. It will also turn out great for a party.

It’s time to make your lasagna. Start by cooking all the ingredients in a pot on low heat for about 2 minutes until they’re all cooked through. It’s important to let it cool down so all that delicious lasagna goodness that’s in that pot goes back into the oven and is ready to eat!

You’ll notice that after you’ve made the lasagna, I’m still cooking pasta from scratch. I used to make pasta and pasta only, but the other day when I made some pasta out of the same recipe for lasagna lasagna, I realized I didn’t have enough pasta in my fridge. I used to have about 2 cups of pasta left in the fridge when my kids used it.

So here are the pasta ingredients in a bowl:

2 cups of chicken stock (I like to use regular chicken stock. My grandmother made her own by cooking it at the pot over medium heat and letting it sit for a few months. I like it because it is thick and delicious!)

1/3 cup of Parmesan cheese

1/3 cup of freshly grated parmesan

1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese

6 ounces of heavy cream

2 tablespoons of fresh oregano

1/4 cup of chopped fresh chives

1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese

6 ounces of shredded cheddar cheese

2 tablespoons of fresh parsley

3 cloves garlic

Salt and Pepper

1 tablespoon olive oil

Freshly ground black pepper

I used a 3/4 cup measuring cup to make this lasagna, but a 2/3 cup measuring cup works just as well. You can also substitute any other type of lasagna or pasta you’d prefer for this, but I just used chicken and Parmesan for this lasagna recipe.

The first step to making this lasagna is to make the pasta.

Place all the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. I like to use my hand for this step, but I also like a food processor that comes with me with a food processor attachment. It’s easier to use your fingers, but you can also use an immersion blender.

I use my food processor attachment, but you can also use your hands if you are nervous about using your hands!

You want the pasta to be very coarse. You want it slightly softer in the center of the bowl. Make sure the pasta is very soft and that each piece of the pasta has a distinct texture.

The next step is to combine the pasta and the chicken stock.

This may take around 2 minutes, however, if you are nervous, do it quickly after you have processed your food processor to make sure you do a good job. I usually like to use my hands while mixing this mixture, but if you’re nervous, you can use a food processor. You’re going to be mixing it, I promise!

The next step is to combine the Parmesan and the chives in a small food processor.

If you aren’t careful when you combine it, you will end up with very small pieces of chopped garlic and a very bitter taste in your mouth.

It’s important to make sure the chives and the garlic are not mixed in too many, but you can do this by hand with a small spoon or your finger if you are too nervous. Make sure you keep doing this until the Parmesan mixture is smooth to the touch and no longer bitter, then add the garlic and chopped chives and process for another 2 or 3 minutes. Do not over mix! Just a few minutes will do you good!

Now, add your stock.

After you add the olive oil, you want to let the stock sit for about a minute while you process the pasta and chicken stock.

Then add the pasta and the chicken stock and process for another 3 minutes or so so the pasta is almost smooth.

After you add the pasta and the chicken stock and process for a couple more minutes, then add the Parmesan.

You should be done with all the ingredients by now!

I love this lasagna.

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